This is a digital program that will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your purchase. The Handstand At Home program is broken down into two 3 week blocks, so is a 6 week program, but it can really be used however you like! I have included exercise images and an exercise glossary and if you click on each of the images you will be taken to a youtube video demonstrating how to do the exercise. I am a qualified PT, strength and conditioning coach, nutritionist and gymnastics coach, so feel free to send through any questions you may have!
I highly recommend getting clearance from your doctor before starting a new training program, and if you have any existing injuries (especially in your hands, wrists, shoulders) please ensure you have clearance before getting started. I'd love to hear if you like it or if it helps you to progress!
Thanks for giving it a go!
Penny Smith
-university qualified nutritionist
-fitness trainer
-strength and conditioning coach